Wednesday 29 August 2012

Not much time today...

Very little time today so couple of screenshots I took and a that will pretty much be it. I have a football match tonight so may get an early trade in but other than that won't be around until maybe 10pm so will miss most matches.

Woz was clearly in trouble so in the second set I backed Begu and then just clearly liability on Woz as I couldn't see her pulling this back but wanted to be safe just in case.

She shouldn't have carried on last week and surely she regrets it now as she loses 900pts I think from a SF last year and drops out of the top 10.

The back of Malek I mentioned went against me as Akgul won the first set but because Malek had had over twice the amount of break points I let it run, also the spread on market was very big and liquidity quite low.

Malek won the second set but I waited until she had broken early in the third to green out when liquidity was a bit better with the lower odds.

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