Saturday 14 August 2010


As the title says, thanks Tsonga. After your comments yesterday I thought to myself "I am very confident that the stage 4 bets would win" so after a good think about it I thought I would go for it.

This week I have not been working so I have been able to watch quite a bit of the tennis and this is what gave me the confidence to go for it. If I hadn't been watching the tennis then I wouldn't have done it without being up on how the players have been performing this week.

But as it goes I had been watching, I was happy to go for the stage 4 bet and it won. Giving a nice profit for the day and pushing the bank up to it's highest point once again since restarting at £232.42.

As I said in yesterdays post in my opinion it was crazy that Murray was the dog against Bandy and it showed as Murray took him apart in two sets. The amount of tennis Bandy has played had clearly caught up with him and although Murray did steam in quite a bit he was still the slight dog at the off so lots of people had a nice easy win there.


  1. thanks for the compliments Rod. now that you have a stage 4 win in the bag, I guess you can feel the system is really up and running! I've also had a lot of success backing Murray this weekend, not so much against Nalby but against both Nadal and Federer!


  2. I do feel that yes but like I said in the post I would only do high stakes on a stage 4 bet if I was happy with how the players are playing and unfortunately I am now back at work (nights) so can only watch some of the early matches.

    I was glad to see Murray do well and had a bit of profit on a few of his matches too. Well done mate.
